



Iryna Kiyanka
Employment Sector:
Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration of Ukraine
Job title:
Assistant Professor of political sciencies and philosophy
Education and Research
Non-party women
Current positions of responsibility:
Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration of Ukraine, Assistant Professor of political sciencies and philosophy
Previous positions of responsibility:
Previous positions of responsibility; Business School of Lviv Institute of Management, Deputy Director of Programs Development of 2002-2006
1. Kiyanka I.B. Group of pressure: the mission and prospects of Ukrainian society development. / Bulletin of Lviv University. Series of international relations. 2008. Issue 23. pp.20-24
2. Kiyanka I.B. Prysiazhnyuk Y. The problem of labor migration as a guarantor of sustainable development in the Ukrainian society. / Bulletin of Lviv University. Series of international relations. 2007. Vol .. 18. pp.114-118.
3. Kiyanka I.B. Polishchuk V.M. Ideas of consensus and compromise in the process of making political decision. / Bulletin of Lviv University. Series of international relations. 2007. Vol. 17. pp.80-88.
4. Kiyanka I.B. Political consensus as a means for resolving political crises / / Materials of interregional scientific and practical conference \"Regional dimension of the political process in Ukraine” May 26, 2007. - Lviv: Lviv National University - pp.77-85
5. Kiyanka I.B. Problem of political stability in the political management / / Materials of interregional scientific and practical conference \"Regional dimension of the political process in Ukraine in 2007,\" November 10, 2007. - Lviv: Lviv National University CPD. Franko. - pp.104-110
6. Kiyanka I.B. Political Culture of Youth in the context of democratization of Ukrainian society after the \"Orange Revolution\" / / Proceedings of III All-Ukrainian scientific conference \"State and prospects of development of spiritual culture of the individual in a deployment of globalization processes”. 15 - November 16, 2007. - pp.119-123.
7. Kiyanka I.B. middle class in the context of sustainable development of Ukrainian society. / Trade Unions of Ukraine. - 2007. № 7-8. - pp.34-37.
8. Kiyanka I.B. Political consciousness of the Ukrainian youth in the context of democratization of society after the \"Orange Revolution\" / Collected Works \"Efficiency of public administration”. - Lviv. - 2007 Issue 13. pp.106-112.
9. Kiyanka I.B. Conflict in transitional societies in the political discourse of the Central-Eastern Europe. / / International scientific conference \"Innovative community development under cross-cultural interactions”. - Sumy. 20-21 February 2008. pp.165-167.
10. Kiyanka I.B. Problem of civic culture in the context of the transformation processes in Ukrainian society. / / International scientific conference \"Management of the conditions of the transformation of innovation: challenges, reforms, achievements”. - Sumy. 10-12 May 2007. pp.27-30.
11. Kiyanka I.B. European vector of influence on political stability in Ukraine after the Orange Revolution / / Materials of scientific conference \"Ukraine\'s Euro-Atlantic choice: a view of young people”. - LODA. Lviv, October 30, 2007, pp.16-21.