

Сфери професійної компетенції


Alina Solnyshkina

Alina Solnyshkina
Сектор зайнятості:
Сфера послуг
Дніпропетровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара
Старший викладач кафедри соціології
Сфери професійної компетенції:
Освіта та дослідження
Попередні відповідальні посади:
Старший викладач кафедри соціології Дніпропетровського національного університету імені Олеся Гончара
Теперішня відповідальна посада:
Дніпропетровський міський центр молоді, провідний спеціаліст
Докази лідерства і менеджерських якостей:
Дніпропетровська регіональна рада науковців, соціолог
понад 13 публікацій, а також статті у пресі

Alina Solnyshkina
Employment Sector:
Department of Sociology, Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar
Job title:
Senior lecturer
Education and Research
Non-party women
Current positions of responsibility:
Department of Sociology, Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar, Senior lecturer
Previous positions of responsibility:
Dnipropetrovsk city center of social services for youth, Principal specialist
Evidence of leadership and management:
Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council of scientists, Sociologist
Actual social and psychological problems of soldiers of terminal military services // Vestnic of Dnipropetrovsk National University. - Pedagogic and psychology - 2003.- V. 9. - pp. 58-64
2. Sociological aspects of the researching of the military culture of the modern military organization in the society of the transformational period // Materials of the 8-th International scientifical and practical conference \"Young people in the circumstances of the new social perspective”.- Zhitomir- Euro club. - 17-18- th of May, 2005 - V 1. - P. 72-74
3. Non-statute relationships in the modern military organization // Grani.-2005.- № 2.- P.112-115
4. Social problems of women-officers in the Ukrainian army of the transformational period // Materials of the Ukrainian scientifical and practical conference «Social problems and transformations of the Ukrainian women in the modern Ukraine”. – Sumsikiy state university.-17-18- th of May, 2005. - P. 12-16
5. Social work with militaries // Actual problems of theory and practical activity in the social work. Scientifical works № 3. - 2005. - P. 130-133
6. Genesis of the methodological approaches for studying of social problems // Vestnic of Dnipropetrovsk National University. – Philosophy, Sociology, Polytology V. 12.-2005.- P.192-198
7.Social analysis and technologies of the study of actual social problems in the social organization of the Ukrainian society of the transformational period //Modern social problems in the focus of sociology of administration. - Materials of the Ukrainian scientifical and practical conference. - Donetsk.- DONDUU. - The 14-th of April , 2006. - P. 303-310
8. Social problems of militaries in the creative of peacemakers // Materials of the 9-th International scientifical and practical conference \"Young people in the circumstances of the new social perspective”.- Zhitomir- Euro club. - 17-18- th of May, 2005 - V 2. - P. 64-66
9. Sociological aspects of studying of civil control in the Ukrainian military organization in the society of the transformational period // Materials of the International scientifical and practical conference \"Modern scientifical researches” – 2006. - V. 34.- Psychology and sociology . - P.44-47
10. Theoretical models and mechanisms of studying of the social problems in the context of the constructionist approach // Grani.-2006.- № 3.- P.90-93
11. The Actual problems of the military organization in the election programmes of the political parties and blocks in the Ukraine and Russian Federation (the comparative analysis) // Methodology, theory that practice of sociological analyze of the modern society. Scientifical works : Kh., 2006. - V.2. - P.168-171
12. Organizational culture as instrument of deciding of social problems of military sphere // Sociology: theory, methods, marketing. - 2006.- № 4. - P.195-202
13. Military PR and humanitarian policy as important mechanisms of the reformation of Military services of Ukraine in the society of the transformational period // Materials of the third conference Harkiv University of the Air Powers named after Ivan Kozhedub. - 2007. - P. 169-170
Materials in the mass - media